Friday, December 7, 2012

Almost 7 weeks old & Memories of week 4

Dear Maya,

..and then there was pink!
Your mummy wasn't too sure how she felt about stereotyping girls to pink and boys to blue, but I have to say.. you sure look cute in everything.
Maya you love to look at people (especially Mummy :)) and fans and you really like the outdoors (phew).  Although you have a play gym and a vibrating chair, you stare right past the lights and sounds to whoever might pick you up out of them.

This week we also got mail addressed to "parent of Maya GLT", and it was a little startling to have the title.

This is a 3-6 month outfit that Uncle Binoy brought you last weekend and it fits you perfectly.

This is one of Auntie Nicole's Tuesday Morning specials, as we were heading for a walk to CVS .. isn't Houston's 80 degree weather in December perfect for us?

So cute that you still have your Buddha legs:

Grandma Larrier had to tell me that we had a vibrating chair for you in the closet.  See, she is still here in spirit, and can see us all the way from Barbados.  You will sit in the chair for about 5 mins, before commanding attention.

And now for some memories of week 4:
It was this week that we walked you to CVS and you bawwwled down the place.  Mummy had to take you to the bathroom, change your poopy diaper on the bathroom floor and push her left boob in your mouth to make a "graceful" exit.  This was the day Mummy learnt to hold and feed you with one hand while pushing the stroller with the other.. alas a mother is born.

Here are other more pleasant memories from the week:

Mummy starts to see curls!

This is still your favourite sleeping position, and look how you've perfected your pacifier use.  Your cheeks and arms are starting to fill out a little.

The garage apartment.. oh yes! Appliances arrived this week and cabinetry is in!

Some photos of how we spend our days on the couch.

Although you're serious in the first video clip, the second video clip below has you already smiling

Some fun sleeping poses, including Uncle Kevin's smart wool socks all the way from AK.

Introducing you to Mr. Caterpillar from your play gym

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