Wednesday, February 20, 2013

4 months old

Dear Maya,

you are soooo social at 4 months old.
Before I tell you what you're doing, here is your report card from your 4-month check up yesterday.  You are very tall, and really doing well in all categories.
The circled stuff at the bottom is a reminder that you got yet more vaccinations.
We gave you some Tylenol before bed, but you woke at 10:30 fussy and needing to nurse.
Mummy kept you next to her the rest of the night and as planned, stayed home today from work knowing you would need a little extra "papita", and sure enough, you nursed and snoozed much of the day.

So what are you up to at 4 months old?
Sitting! ( you in Daddy's lap in hammock)

And walking! Ok with a little help from us..

Mummy was on call this past weekend, which meant Daddy was on call at home, and so we spent lots of time like this.. I think you enjoyed your Daddy time.

Here are some photos of what you and Maria are up to.
Mummy and Daddy would leave you in pajamas all day if it wasn't for Maria.
Here you are in some of your beautiful gifts.
The spotted one makes you look just like Brother Jake and Sister Bella, so we took a pic together.
By the way, your ears are sticking out a little, but don't you worry, we're all over it.. hence the tape in some of your pictures.  You are beautiful to us, no matter what!

And lastly.. Happy Valentines Day from Daddy to the loves of his life.

Monday, February 4, 2013

15 weeks old - reflection on parenting

Dear Maya,

there are many philosophies out there on how to parent.
Grandma Turner was telling us that she was told to only feed her children 3 x/day.  Lucky for Daddy, she ignored this recommendation.
Others mention the "cry it out method", but we're not sure what age that is appropriate.

So our philosophy is this - to love you the best we can.
We may respond a little early to your fussing, but we enjoy you and we hope you enjoy us.. at least until your teens.


15 weeks old- Grandma Turner comes to visit

Dear Maya, 
did I mention that evvvverybody thinks you look like Daddy and his mother.
Ok so guess who came to visit?  Grandma Turner!
We'll let you judge for yourself with the pictures below.
Your grandmother is 80 years YOUNG.
The things I want you to remember about her are her zest for life and intellectual stimulation.
She is currently taking a class in Prosperity.
On this trip alone she has taught you about the Higgs Boson particle, the debt crisis in America and why it is important to keep learning new things (like say, sky diving at age 60).
We're so happy that she came to spend this time with you.