Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 37 BB

Dear Baby,

it's a nice rainy day today (your 37 week day) and so there's no yoga class.  It's bittersweet, because it gives us a chance to stay home and pack for your arrival day, make an email list for your arrival day picture, do some laundry of your recent gifts, and oh yes, appreciate how quiet the house is.  On the other hand, Daddy has a triathlon tomorrow, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that the rain eases up overnight.  Baby you should know that your great grand mother did not believe in the expression of crossing fingers, she would say "how can you get any work done if your fingers are crossed?"

Anyway, I digress.  This past week, at Mummy's satellite office, the ladies threw you yet another shower, complete with ribbons having over Mummy's desk.  Mummy works with a nurse called Bonnie, who was the grand organizer and is just so talented both at nursing and craft.  Unfortunately since Bonnie was taking pictures with the rest of the group, there are no pictures of them.  Bonnie sent some pictures of the gifts.. you got a lot of great toys, clothes, blankets.. everything baby!

And the delicious rattle cupcakes (which you liked VERY much)..

Here's a closeup of the rattles that Bonnie sent home for Daddy:

Bonnie also made burp cloths with many special designs for you

At this point, the group asked for a side-profile.. owww Mama, you're getting big..and strong.  The books imply that by now it might be hard to feel you move since it's getting crowded inside, but you are definitely not having that issue.  In fact you seem to be quite happily playing around.  Mummy has the sense that she's slowly beginning to want you on the outside.  You've been a good tenant and all, but sometime in the next few weeks we'll probably both be ready for your grand exit/entrance.

PS the garage appt is coming along nicely.. a lot of plumbing and electrical work done this past week, and hopefully stairs next week so we can go up and down as we please.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weeks 35 and 36 BB

Dear Baby,

look how mummy hasn't updated your blog in two weeks!
Well, we have been preparing diligently for your arrival, mostly with the help of your many aunties and uncles, and we'll show some pictures of that today.
Also last week you and Mummy finished the last week of being on call for work.. it was busy, we survived, and are thankful.

So, remember a few weeks ago, Auntie Achilia got mummy a baby k'tan for you, and this past week, Auntie Julina sent Daddy his.. he was a little more adventurous with his, and I have to warn  you, Jake really liked it!

Now before we show some of your other presents, here's an update on happenings on the home-front.  Behold, the garage apartment has taken shape, and is looking so real.  This coming week is when the stairs will go in, so mummy will be able to take more frequent trips upstairs (not on a ladder).

And not to forget our veggie garden.. here is our first produce.  We're so proud of it, we don't want to move it, or it might be that we don't know when you're supposed to pick it.. either way, we'll take pictures for the memory.

And now, for your Baby Shower #2.. Bajan style!

The first two pictures are of your gracious hostesses Auntie Connie..

And Auntie Keitha with her twin angels.. Thank you ladies it was great!!

Also thanks to Uncle Hayden for the wonderful pictures (ok and for feeding Mummy and Daddy today, cause we're heading there for lunch once your blog is updated!)

Uncle Barry, was in charge of cake, and speeches and toasting..

And then we had a great time opening lots for fun presents for you.. from Christmas tree booties..

To Barbados cricket onesies (Thanks Uncle Mark, host extraordinaire, and explainer of said onesie's title "Silly Mid On", in the back)

And the diaper dude bag, from Uncle Shoji/Auntie Ayana/Cousin Kai

Uncle Shoji also brought us a very special surprise, all the way from Barbados.. Thanks Uncle Patrick! We will make good use of the donation to the BabyLarrierTurner fund :)

Here's one lovely picture of several of the folks who came out to show their love for you.  Many of these aunts and uncles have known Mummy especially from before you were dreamt of, and we appreciate them greatly.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 34 BB - baby shower, gifts, laundry and yoga

Dear Baby,
Mummy and Daddy have been getting lots of presents for you recently, including a whole set at a shower for you last weekend.  

Check out this ensemble below.. Auntie Achilia gave us a Baby Ktan to carry you in.. despite the "ta-da" look on Mummy's face, it took us 15 minutes and a manual to get it on correctly.  In it we put an outfit that Auntie Jenni brought over for you the other day.  It's our leading contender in outfits to bring you home from the hospital in..

So we have a few pictures from your shower at Auntie Vicki's house..  here is mummy chatting away with Auntie Vicki, I think about raising gender-neutral children.. Auntie Vicki was the gracious host of a lovely shower for you.

We shared your shower with Auntie Nikhila, whose baby will be just one month younger than you.  These are some onesies hand-painted by the residents for you two.

 Ms Alice from the office made you a beeeautiful diaper cake.  She also made you a rose bouquet from diaper cloths, and cupcakes from onesies.. mummy's only question for her was why she's still working for TCH.

When we came home from the shower, Baby, we were so excited with all your little onesies, burp cloths, towels, sheets.. that we did your first (of many!) loads of laundry.

Ok and last but not least, in case you think ur parents are easy, we want you to know that we were still kicking it at 34 weeks BB.. Baby, you're in for a fun ride with us!