Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 37 BB

Dear Baby,

it's a nice rainy day today (your 37 week day) and so there's no yoga class.  It's bittersweet, because it gives us a chance to stay home and pack for your arrival day, make an email list for your arrival day picture, do some laundry of your recent gifts, and oh yes, appreciate how quiet the house is.  On the other hand, Daddy has a triathlon tomorrow, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that the rain eases up overnight.  Baby you should know that your great grand mother did not believe in the expression of crossing fingers, she would say "how can you get any work done if your fingers are crossed?"

Anyway, I digress.  This past week, at Mummy's satellite office, the ladies threw you yet another shower, complete with ribbons having over Mummy's desk.  Mummy works with a nurse called Bonnie, who was the grand organizer and is just so talented both at nursing and craft.  Unfortunately since Bonnie was taking pictures with the rest of the group, there are no pictures of them.  Bonnie sent some pictures of the gifts.. you got a lot of great toys, clothes, blankets.. everything baby!

And the delicious rattle cupcakes (which you liked VERY much)..

Here's a closeup of the rattles that Bonnie sent home for Daddy:

Bonnie also made burp cloths with many special designs for you

At this point, the group asked for a side-profile.. owww Mama, you're getting big..and strong.  The books imply that by now it might be hard to feel you move since it's getting crowded inside, but you are definitely not having that issue.  In fact you seem to be quite happily playing around.  Mummy has the sense that she's slowly beginning to want you on the outside.  You've been a good tenant and all, but sometime in the next few weeks we'll probably both be ready for your grand exit/entrance.

PS the garage appt is coming along nicely.. a lot of plumbing and electrical work done this past week, and hopefully stairs next week so we can go up and down as we please.

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