Wednesday, July 17, 2013

9 months old! Where is the time going?

Dear Maya,

Happy 9 months!
I took two days vacation to try to catch up with where life is taking you, and to share a little of how nicely you're growing.
This first picture is from a party just this past weekend at Auntie Jennis/Uncle Foddy (Scottie).  You're actually sporting a dress that they gave you as a present a little while ago.  Mummy was just proud to match your cloth diaper with the sleeves.  You stayed with Neighbour Leyla for about 15 minutes all by yourself!

Around the same time Aunt Jenni gave you the dress above, she gave Lily the tutu below, and they had to put it on your to convince Lily to wear it.

Here you are with all of your neighbourhood cronies: Logan, Emi, Mimi, and Lily.

So big news, you are now able to ride in the jogging stroller.  Mummy has taken you out two Sundays now.. now I didn't say we jogged.. although we did, just not all the way.. and with lots of stops.

You now like to sit up in the trolley at none other than Target.

Just yesterday we visited Bellaire Library and found a very nice story time group for you.  You were very busy playing and greeting all the other children.

Then we went to your 9 month appt, where we found that you are growing very nicely.  No shots (yea!) but you did have an Iron and Lead level check and these were both normal.

Today, now we visited The Little Gym and you were so happy and even did a summersault.
We took Maria too, and she danced with you, and rescued the other children as you are very friendly and social.

And last but not least, here is the new decor in our living room.  We have created a safe zone for you to climb and fall at your leisure.

Maya you are just doing amazingly well.  We are also hoping that you sleep through the night at some point.  Ok, I just had to throw that in :)

8 months old.. or so.. this is a recap because life is busy around here!

Dear Maya,

This is a retrospective summary of probably your 7th and 8th month of life.  Boy have we been busy, mostly trying to keep up with you.
As I lie here on the couch with Daddy.. something I haven't done in what seems like eons.. we're saying that it feels like the big financial life changes that came with you arrival are winding down.
I almost wish I had the following list before having you, and so I'm recording it for posterity.

We started with the garage appt- not just a place for family and friends to visit you (although they say us), but also under which is now a child's paradise.
Then we hired Nanny and BFF Maria.
Then we started your college fund.
Then we go life insurance.
Oh, and very important, a very quiet diswasher.
Then, and this is just the day before yesterday.. a second car, the Mazda 5.
And then today, car insurance.
Whew-weee, you're quite an investment.

You're so worth it Maya, and here's what you've been up to.

We outfitted your room, and the bookshelf on the left is now full of books that Mimi and Emi donated to you.  Right now you loooove to pull them off the shelves, ok and read them too.  The blur in the second picture is your head enjoying story time with Daddy.  The book is Owl Babies.

This is one of your faaavourite books that we read at least once a day. It's from Auntie Nicole and it's called.. as you might guess by the holes.. The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

And you learnt to crawl.  You are so fast, we have to be very careful.  The first and the second video are about a month apart.

Surprise-Surprise! Your Boston Nana, Mrs Burns, came to visit you and we had a fun time eating at Black Walnut with the whole Burns clan.

Now it has gotten as hot as 106 degrees here (over 40 Celcius) and so we've had to be creative and beat the summer heat.  We go eveeeery weekend to the Bellaire pool, and boy do you have a ball.

And I want you to remember your very first Father's Day.  We took Daddy out for a delicious.. low salt.. lunch at Ruggles Bakery.